Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. PSHE is a planned programme of study which equips children with the necessary knowledge and skills to be positive, upstanding and contributing members of society, now and in the future.
The programme of study is a categorise in three sections:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Living in the wider world
Students will study each section, twice a year as part of a spiral curriculum. Children will learn how to keep their body and minds healthy. Awareness will be raised of mental as well as physical wellbeing through themed days such as wear yellow day for young minds.
As part of a whole school approach, we are aiming to develop the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals as their own self, within their family and members of society.
There is also a focus on bullying, what it is, how to recognise it and how to deal it. Children also learn to develop relationships and friendships both within and outside of school. As a school, through our PSHE curriculum, we enable children to set themselves goals and work towards them. We learn how to be involved in positive relationships and how to be a good friend and family member.
At Tollgate we respect all cultures, ethnicities, families and individuals. To show this, we sometimes have non uniform days such as wear red day, where all adults and pupils wear something red to show that we show racism the red card and do not tolerate discrimination of any kind. We promote the British Values, the 5Cs and these coincide with our PSHE teaching and learning.
To enrich the PSHE curriculum we arrange visits from community bodies such as the police, environmental health, health professionals, traffic management, TFL.
Our School Council, elected each term, meets regularly and is active in helping children to take an active role in the school.