Tollgate Primary School believes that, in order to facilitate teaching and learning, acceptable behaviour must be demonstrated in all aspects of school life. The school is committed to:
Promoting desired behaviour
Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority, and positive relationships based on mutual respect.
- Ensuring equality and fair treatment for all.
- Praising and rewarding good behaviour.
- Challenging and disciplining misbehaviour.
- Providing a safe environment free from disruption, violence, discrimination, bullying and any form of harassment.
- Encouraging positive relationships with parents.
- Developing positive relationships with pupils to enable early intervention.
- A shared approach which involves pupils in the implementation of the school’s policy and associated procedures.
- Promoting a culture of praise and encouragement in which all pupils can achieve.
- That children understand and apply the school values of care, consideration, commitment, cooperation and courtesy
Reasonable and proportionate sanctions will be used where a pupil’s behaviour falls below the standard that is expected, alongside support to prevent recurring misbehaviour.