The extent that the curriculum goes beyond the academic, vocational or technical.
- Importance of global citizenship being representative of the community we serve through e-twinning and culturally inclusive partnership projects with seven schools across the world. 6th time recipient of The British Council International School Award. Host to a wide range of international delegations to raise pupils’ awareness of the world around them.
- A European MFL French is taught and also a world language Mandarin. We teach Mandarin due to the multi-billion Chinese investment into Royal Docks. These will be a major employer in the area in future years.
- All pupils in KS2 are encouraged to learn to play a musical instrument. This is free of charge to all pupils. Free group instrumental tuition is ongoing in each year group. We have an orchestra of 56 pupils. All disadvantaged pupils and SEND pupils have access to instrumental tuition.
- Accreditation by the National Autistic Society as a provider that meets their challenging standards for excellence in the teaching pf pupils with Autism.
- Annual visits to pantomimes for our Nursery and Reception classes to immerse children in professional theatre.
- An autistic specific curriculum is offered to all complex pupils who are non-verbal and have low cognition. Music therapy, play therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and sensory integration are available to support. Tollgate Primary School is fully inclusive.
- Specialist teaching is offered in Music, PE, Mandarin and French.
- Chess is taught in Year 4 to develop critical thinking skills.
- Disadvantaged pupils targeted to benefit from sailing lesson in Royal Docks from the British Yachting Society.
- Ongoing visits each half-term to museums, galleries and places of interest to support curriculum study.
- Outside agencies and specialist delivering presentations in school to support the curriculum.
- Outside safeguarding agencies working with the school to promote keeping safe in the community eg. knife crime, drugs, gangs.
- Ongoing partnership with professional actors from Brick Lane Music Hall to strengthen drama, oracy and performance.
- Ongoing partnership with local artists to support creativity and art installation.
- Ongoing partnership with community links music studio to promote music production with our pupil premium children.
- Ongoing partnership with the Orchestra Age of Enlightenment who are a group of professional musicians that come in and work on classical productions with the school orchestra and SEND children.